Although the 2020 House & Garden Tour must be postponed due to Covid-19, we are honoring this tradition with a Photo Scavenger Hunt. We’re including 48 photos from across The Hill (some iconic, others more obscure), an excuse to check out nooks and crannies you don’t often visit.
Have fun exploring the whimsy of Capitol Hill! Scavenger Hunt!
Many Thanks! to our House Tour sponsors:
While we’re waiting for the traditional House & Garden tour, we’re getting ready for a virtual House Tour this fall, featuring homes from past tours. We think you’ll really enjoy making the cursor “walk” you through the homes and zoom in on points of interest!
We’re currently looking for $100 sponsors to help defray the cost of the virtual tour. Is there a restaurant or school that you’d like to help promote? Or maybe you’d prefer to become a member? Whichever way, we hope you’ll be a part of CHRS. Please contact to learn more about sponsorships. Thanks!