Village Voices: “The BREXIT Affair: Why Breaking Up is Hard to Do”, Monday, February 4, 2019, 7-8 pm at the Northeast Neighborhood Library, 330 Seventh Street NE.
In June 2016, British voters approved a referendum to leave the European Union on March 29, 2019. Since then, negotiations have been continuing and the outcome remains unclear. Ted R. Bromund, an expert on Anglo-American relations, will explore the current state of BREXIT, the British negotiations to leave the European Union, and what the outcome might mean for the United States.
A senior research fellow in The Heritage Foundation’s Margaret Thatcher Center for Freedom, Ted R. Bromund studies and writes on Anglo-American relations, U.S. and British relations with Europe, and the European Union. Before joining the Foundation, Dr. Bromund spent nine years as associate director of International Security Studies at Yale University, a center dedicated to the study and teaching of diplomatic history and grand strategy. A columnist for Newsday, Forbes, and Great Britain’s Yorkshire Post, Bromund also writes regularly for National Review, The Weekly Standard, and In 2013, he was recognized by the Second Amendment Foundation as its Scholar of the Year for his analysis of the Arms Trade Treaty.
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