On Thursday, November 15, from 7-9 pm, a public panel will discuss the manner in which the District of Columbia both administers public space as well as the means in which it is transferred permanently or leased to the private realm.
Be it the use of the curbside for parking or food trucks, pocket parks, increased density awarded as a result of a Planned Unit Development, the ubiquitous sidewalk cafes that dot our urban landscape or the provision of new roadways, the organization and administration of Public Space impacts the lives of District residents. “Public Space” is all horizontal space outside private property lines as well the air rights above the limit that property owners can develop as a matter of right.
On Thursday, November 15, from 7-9 pm, a public panel will discuss the manner in which the District of Columbia both administers public space as well as the means in which it is transferred permanently or leased to the private realm. Is the current system of public space administration adequate? Should it be reformed? Should there be more citizen involvement analogous to what occurs in zoning matters? The Hill Rag, The Ward 6 Democrats, the Capitol Hill Restoration Society and Hill Center have selected a knowledgeable panel to discuss the current arrangements and brainstorm ideas for the future:
- Ward 6 Councilmember Charles Allen
- Associate Director for the Public Space Regulations Division (PSRD) Matthew Marcou
- The Chair of Advisory Neighborhood Commission 6D Meredith Fascett
- Former Historic Preservation Board Member Nancy Metzger
- Dave Alpert – Founder and President of Greater Greater Washington
Join our panelists and neighbors for a lively discussion of the hows and whys of Public Space. Questions for the panelists will be taken both by email prior to the event at ward6matters@hillrag.com and in writing at the event itself. Register for the event here. Hill Center, 921 Pennsylvania Ave. SE.
This discussion, sponsored by The Hill Rag, The Ward 6 Democrats, the Capitol Hill Restoration Society, and Hill Center, is first of a quarterly series, Ward 6 Matters, that will examine significant civic issues effecting Ward 6.